Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My final meal

 I have to admit-- this is my last night before my big rheumatology appointment, and I'm not exactly a picture of mental peace right now.  I couldn't get to sleep last night, had a couple of panic attacks, and I ended up sleeping on my futon downstairs with an old, beat-up stuffed Pound Puppy salvaged from my childhood for comfort.  (Oh-- and my husband is out of town.  His internship informed him that he had to spend a week in Baltimore about two weeks ago.  What sucktastic timing.)  So, whatever I find out tomorrow, I'm going to find out alone, and he gets to find out over the phone. 

So, what was my response tonight?  Sushi.  I went to my favorite faux Asian restaurant and got tempura salmon rolls, some soup, and some spring rolls.  And strangely, now full of salt, tempura, and MSG, I feel so much better. 

People are weird when they try to handle stress, and I guess I'm no different.  Here's for miso soup and maki! 

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