Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Insurance Sucks

The fabulous Dr. H. informed me a couple of days ago at my last appointment that the University has re-bid our student heath insurance and that we're going from UHC to Aetna.  I find this to be a prodigious waste of my time right at the moment I'm supposed to be finding out how bad the rest of my life is going to suck. 

Okay, so UHC wasn't exactly a walk in the park.  Every time I needed some kind of expensive test or imaging service, they required me to prove I was still a student.  Then they only gave me 30 days to do it, sent me the wrong forms (or lost them altogether) and the charges would be rejected in just a couple of weeks.  I have yet to get a single charge paid in a timely manner with them.  On the other hand, they've paid all my charges so far.  That's better than things could be-- I could have been stuck with the bill along the way.   

Even worse, I'm only going to get in one appointment with my rheumatologist (whom the fabulous Dr. H says is awesome) before the switchover to the new insurance at the end of the month.  That means new referrals, new paperwork, and worst of all, I don't know if my rheumatologist is going to even take the new insurance.  So I might have to go to someone else later-- and someone might not be a someone that Dr. H knows.)  

And, I'll have to find out all the new information on co-pays, specialist visits and whatnot, and if UHC is any indication, it's going to be the end of August before I get my insurance cards.  All while I'm zeroing in on an autoimmune diagnosis.  Not fun at all. 

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