Thursday, July 8, 2010

Getting Closer...

Well, it's about time.  I officially have my appointment with a rheumatologist for the fifteenth of this month, and I'm getting nervous.  This will probably be my first real step down the road of getting diagnosed for sure.  My doctor sent my chart via fax machine last week.  If you've seen my medical chart, that's a frickin' feat.  It's so thick now after four years that it won't even fit in the little chart holder next to the waiting room door anymore, and it's heavy enough you can use it as a door stop.  

The last time I saw my doctor, she used the term "pre-lupus symptomatic" to describe what's going on with me.  Ick.  I meet with her tomorrow to see if there are any other tests she wants to run before the big day, and to check on how well the Mobic is handling my swelling.  Honestly?  That's doing okay.  Now that I've been on it for 3 weeks, it takes care of most, but not all, of the swelling.  It's keeping me functional, at least.  So hooray for Mobic. 

So, the proverbial diagnosis clock is finally ticking.  And what's this dubious honor going to run?  Their standard office visit is $375.  Yeowch!  With my copay, I'll only be forking over $150.  That sill represents a little over 10% of my take-home pay as a grad student, but hey-- at least I'm not footing the whole bill.  Wish me luck!

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